Scottish Climbing Archive People
![[Mike in Switzerland]](images/mike_matterhorn1s.jpg)
There are two of us working on the Scottish Climbing Archive Directly. Mark Anderson and myself, Michael De La Rue..
Mark and I climb together occasionally on both rock and slushy stuff we try to pretend is snow. At present though, I'm spending most of my time in Poland, Switzerland and the rest of Europe whilst he's in Scotland, so we don't get out together quite as regularly as we should.
The rest of this page is, as you can see, eight years out of date...
I began the SCA Several years ago and did the majority of what is available now (Feb-96). Recently, I realised that the work load was going to be far more than I would have time for with my other commitments, and that, especially since I wanted to concentrate on some specific dynamic aspects of the pages, I would need help. Looking around, the other person who I knew who has a large knowledge of the internet and of climbing was Mark. I'm glad to say that he agreed to my request to join me. This also means that we should be able to keep somewhat up to date, even at times when workload is overwhelming one of us.
Mark has begun to maintain a set of pages, particularly related to specific climbing areas, which I would/should have done otherwise, but probably couldn't have. Much more importantly though, he's been working on new ideas such as database driven information, CGI scripts. Mark has also been doing most of the maintenance (including the presentation) of the pages for the last couple of years while I've been in Europe. This means that our pages are getting much further than I thought they would at any point after the first two months.
Other contributions to the SCA include that of Rodger Everett in providing the complete list of guidebooks and the many people involved in writing short area reports or other longer sections. These are now, finally, becoming too many to list individually. They are all mentioned next to their contribution though. If you have been missed out and would like to be mentioned for a contribution you made, please get in touch with the maintainer of the relevant page.
Thanks also to the people who send in corrections and information about broken links. We can always do with these. If we knew about it already, we would have fixed it.